Hi, I’m Nicolle!

I’ve always been a day dreamer and habitual doodler since I was small, filling each scrap of paper with little drawings.
Growing up, I followed my dream to OCAD University where I pursued a degree in Illustration.

I love all things old, all things handmade and all things to do with nature. Artistically I’m inspired by midcentury illustrators and folk art, as well as the art of modern graphic novels and retro Japanese anime. I embrace kitsch and colour, and love telling stories with pictures.

I enjoy pushing my creativity with new projects and hope to imbue everything I do with a sense of personality and charm.

On quiet days I enjoy reading mystery novels, nature walks and trying out new vegan recipes.

I live in the vibrant city of Toronto and try my best to make friends with all the neighbourhood cats.

Clients include Hobbry, Indigo Canada, Modern Dog Magazine, Trevell Puzzles, Presenteum, Variety Village, Penny Puzzles, Stitch Media, The City of Pickering, Lake Coloring, Villager Puzzles, Geordie Theatre & more!

Instagram: @nicollelalonde

Etsy: Fernery Lane

Wordpress: A Little Fernery

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What do you use to make your illustrations?

A: I primarily use a combination of Procreate & Adobe Photoshop; I love to use the Bardot Brush and Pencil sets on Procreate, and the Kyle Webster brush sets on Photoshop. I work from sketch to finish and I do not use generative tools. 

Q: Do you take commissions?

A: Please email me to make any inquiries about commissions! I work from sketch to finish, and clients receive a high quality printable file upon completion. I can also provide physical prints for an extra charge on request. 

Here's a gallery of previous commissioned work!

Q: Can I license your work for my company / brand?

A: Sure! Please email me with the artwork you are interested in licensing. Some work is already under license or contains material that requires personality right clearance.

Q: I'm writing a children's book! Will you illustrate it?

A: I'm interested in picture book work - please note that at the moment I'm not accepting speculative work as I can't assess if I'd be a good fit without at least a first draft.

Q: Do you sell your art as prints?

A: Yes - you can find some on my Etsy - Fernery Lane, where I currently offer some digital downloads and some select prints that are available through a print-on-demand service. I have a long-term goal to offer prints from my own home - and if there is a specific image you'd love to have printed, shoot me an email and we can work something out! 

Q:  I bought a puzzle with your art and I'm missing a piece, can you help?

A: Please contact the puzzle brand directly - I would love to help, but I do not carry any stock nor do I have any oversight on inventory or the ability to issue refunds.

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